AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. having mixed feelings now. =x
was randoming about at arashi_on.livejournal, when i saw one person's post:
Minna-san! My tension is high after I heard this song...It's the chinese version
of Arashi's "We can make it!".
The song's by Sing Shi Xin Hui (a female
singer from Singapore), recorded as track 7 in her latest album Queen (女皇).Song
title: 命中注定. (translated: Fated)Link to her version: MF for
anyone's who interested to listen.Of course her version can't be better than our
boys's. It lacks the part where Sho-kun raps.:)

well. i was more shocked than surprised. IMMEDIATELY i flew to youtube and began listening, and yep of coz i agree with the person's comment.
however, why am i having mixed feelings??!

im happy becoz arashi's songs are so good and popular tht other singers have taken notice of them and even chose to translate them to put into their albums.

HOWEVER, im kindof pissed off (now i understand those fans whom fav singers' songs are being translated into other ver and used). Maybe 90% due to the fact tht i dun really hav a liking for shi xin hui, and tht hearing the translated one made me feel like it's zao1 ta4-ing my dear arashi's song. ok i noe im biased, but too bad. only thing to be relieved: arashi's one is definitely BETTER than it, no matter wad and how and whoever it is. ><

ok i think most of u wont understand my feelings. try imagining, getting the singers u disliked most and have them translating ur loved idols' songs (ok etc DBSK), well i dunnoe if u get my pt, but now, im stuck between KYYYAAAA and AAARGGHHH. wad to do? i simply refuse to dl shixinhui's version, and I JUST DONT CARE.

i think the only way to appease my anger is to try thinking jaychou singing arashi's songs in chinese version. at least HE got the 资格, OKOK in my opinion.

*everything posted up here's purely my opinion, and no offense to anyone or any fans. GOMEN NE coz im jus bu4-shuang3.


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