Our pleasant little scholar tries explaining 'cause' and 'effect' theory to Heejin, much to her dismay, who retorts that it is way too complicated for her intelligence to handle. Huffing, she declares that her overreaction (effect) must be due to Boong-do skillful playboyness (cause), or take for instance, whenever Boong-do is speechless (cause), his trademark smile (effect) will appear. At this, Boong-do breaks into smiles again, amused. Ha, smitten by those moony eyes.

I was pretty taken aback by Boong-do's lack of surprise with his first encounter with television at the airport. No matter how smart/adaptable he is, wouldn't he have suspected the moving images on the tv? I highly doubt they have the concept of 'fake people in a box' way back 300 years ago, so seeing Heejin on the tv and real life a second later yet not one bit flustered do bother me in a sense, like it is all taken for granted. Loophole haha.

Every episode is simply amazing, because everything is moving SO fast. Alternating between past and present doesn't seem a good idea, I wonder when this gateway will be cut off and he can't return to the present (as in modern days). That's quite awful to think about right, awww.


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