vs arashi featuring... golf!

aiba is good, of coz, since he plays golf. so he was the mvp in arashi, scoring 290 and beating everyone (including the female professional golf players. omgosh XD)

but surprisingly, nino wasnt bad at all, 253. i suspect it's because he played too much computer games till this virtual golf thingy is a piece of cake to him.

sho was alright, 103. maybe he got that 'royal-sport blood' in him, hmm potential player.

ok here comes the loser pair... juntoshi!

HAHA leader was damn funny. this old man stuck his chin out again, omg was he trying to disguise his uncertainties??! lol in the end he scored only 65, which is bad enough, but not as bad as..

he was epic.
first up: he missed the ball at the first swing.
secondly, he managed to hit the ball but scored only 22.
thirdly, he hit the camera on the floor instead of the ball.
exclaimed by sho: " jun steals all the limelight tonght!"
and aiba: "we havent see this obedient-jun for a long time" (when the pro teaches jun how to swing his club)

finally, jun: "my passion for golf is ceasing at an increasing rate".

ohho. so cute, jun in this ep. ohno too. kyaaaa 'my girl' theme song is releasing on 9 oct! which is after my promos, YIPEE!!!


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