haha.. holidays over... sch starts again...
kk, quite alot happened today..
where should i start???
i shall start frm tis morning..
hem hem.
hem hem.
hem hem.
ya this morning got off frm my dad's car,
den jus as me n my sis walk into the sch....
we heard lots of horning behind us.
beep beep bong bong de lor.
chao si le.
conclusion: nothing
k. den went into sch.
ya, today came a new sci teacher.
found him quite familiar, look lyk some artiste or whoeva.
in the end yushi concluded tat he looks lyk dunno superhost or the dunno ming xing ou xiang one of the contestant
N den he blah for vry long time.
Most importantly, he blah 53 “okies” in 20min.
Whoosh. So miracle.
N we found out his second favourite word was ‘alright’
However, as pro mi is vry busy, I didn’t hav time to count how many alrights.
Ok, so conclusion for this topic: yushi and Cheryl n I rock.
k. den wad
erm. Ya, after tat was maths lesson. Ms teng came
n I dunno y the whole class greet so loudly.
I wonder.
Anw, I was lyk settling down when ms teng mention abt someone screamin at the bus stop.
To b honest, I didn’t really realise she’s tokin abt mi, coz I was lyk blur blur den dunno wad’s she’s tokin abt so lyk hack cares.
Who knows, tat k_f_ri_e tan turned to innocent mi n began laughing her head off.
Later on, I den knew wad’s happening.
Wad the hell la.
Ok now I shall cheng2 qing1 to prove my innocent.
Coz some ppl curious mah.
Anw, I went to busstop with katherineboonietan, den tis katherineboonietan was lyk waving everywhere to her co frens.
Den we pass by this woman, I did take really much notice.
So in the end, I realise this katherineboonietan was waving at the woman’s direction
so i was curious mah
i turned lor.
wooah, this person looks so familiar.
i stare for five seconds.
n to my horror, i realise who's standin right in front of mi.
n den becoz i shock and surprised mah
so i like jus 'ah' a little louder and high pitch
so this is the end of the whole thing.
conclusion: yinghui's voice sounds so nice. heh
anw. after that was recess.
whooah. sth really really embarrassing happens to pro mi worr.
i was enjoyin my hotdog bread (the bread with the hotdogs stuff together inside)
den i was chattin wif sandy n lianghui dey all.
den finally when i reach my last bite, i stuff evrything inside my mouth
At this moment, sth horrible happen.
One of the little block of hotdog flew out of my bread before reaching my dear mouth and was droppin to the ground when agile mi stretched out my hand, trying to grab it.
Who knows, the hotdog bounces frm my hand and flew to the first floor.
For evryone’s info, I was on 2nd floor eating.
K, back to my story, I watch my deary hotdoggie flew down.
N den it landed still on e pathetic clear floor on first storey.
So tat’s the end of my hotdoggie story.
Conclusion: yinghui rocks more, becoz her accidental movement allows more birds to consume some more delicious food. =)
Ya. Den today dunno y first day the new Chinese teacher didn’t come. Aiyah. Den tat whole morning nth le lor.
Oh ya, den during drama today, gary tang was LAME can.
Oh god, knew wad he said.
Aiyah I shall not say. Coz if I say, I’ll feel vry lame too.
Ok nvm. This one no conclusion, unless u r countin tat garytang was lame.
haha.. holidays over... sch starts again...
kk, quite alot happened today..
where should i start???
i shall start frm tis morning..
hem hem.
hem hem.
hem hem.
ya this morning got off frm my dad's car,
den jus as me n my sis walk into the sch....
we heard lots of horning behind us.
beep beep bong bong de lor.
chao si le.
conclusion: nothing
k. den went into sch.
ya, today came a new sci teacher.
found him quite familiar, look lyk some artiste or whoeva.
in the end yushi concluded tat he looks lyk dunno superhost or the dunno ming xing ou xiang one of the contestant
N den he blah for vry long time.
Most importantly, he blah 53 “okies” in 20min.
Whoosh. So miracle.
N we found out his second favourite word was ‘alright’
However, as pro mi is vry busy, I didn’t hav time to count how many alrights.
Ok, so conclusion for this topic: yushi and Cheryl n I rock.
k. den wad
erm. Ya, after tat was maths lesson. Ms teng came
n I dunno y the whole class greet so loudly.
I wonder.
Anw, I was lyk settling down when ms teng mention abt someone screamin at the bus stop.
To b honest, I didn’t really realise she’s tokin abt mi, coz I was lyk blur blur den dunno wad’s she’s tokin abt so lyk hack cares.
Who knows, tat k_f_ri_e tan turned to innocent mi n began laughing her head off.
Later on, I den knew wad’s happening.
Wad the hell la.
Ok now I shall cheng2 qing1 to prove my innocent.
Coz some ppl curious mah.
Anw, I went to busstop with katherineboonietan, den tis katherineboonietan was lyk waving everywhere to her co frens.
Den we pass by this woman, I did take really much notice.
So in the end, I realise this katherineboonietan was waving at the woman’s direction
so i was curious mah
i turned lor.
wooah, this person looks so familiar.
i stare for five seconds.
n to my horror, i realise who's standin right in front of mi.
n den becoz i shock and surprised mah
so i like jus 'ah' a little louder and high pitch
so this is the end of the whole thing.
conclusion: yinghui's voice sounds so nice. heh
anw. after that was recess.
whooah. sth really really embarrassing happens to pro mi worr.
i was enjoyin my hotdog bread (the bread with the hotdogs stuff together inside)
den i was chattin wif sandy n lianghui dey all.
den finally when i reach my last bite, i stuff evrything inside my mouth
At this moment, sth horrible happen.
One of the little block of hotdog flew out of my bread before reaching my dear mouth and was droppin to the ground when agile mi stretched out my hand, trying to grab it.
Who knows, the hotdog bounces frm my hand and flew to the first floor.
For evryone’s info, I was on 2nd floor eating.
K, back to my story, I watch my deary hotdoggie flew down.
N den it landed still on e pathetic clear floor on first storey.
So tat’s the end of my hotdoggie story.
Conclusion: yinghui rocks more, becoz her accidental movement allows more birds to consume some more delicious food. =)
Ya. Den today dunno y first day the new Chinese teacher didn’t come. Aiyah. Den tat whole morning nth le lor.
Oh ya, den during drama today, gary tang was LAME can.
Oh god, knew wad he said.
Aiyah I shall not say. Coz if I say, I’ll feel vry lame too.
Ok nvm. This one no conclusion, unless u r countin tat garytang was lame.
ya. den me n boon boon katherineboonietan went toa payoh.
most importantly, dearest kindest proest cheongyinghui has invented a new name for this boonie gal.
Guess wad.
Heh heh.
I’ve decided to name boonboon katherineboonietan BOON LAY!!!
Clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
Ok ok ok
Stop steamin katherineboonietanboonlay.
Ok shall stop now
Haven complete my Chinese compo.
Shall not fei4 here.
Bye ppl